What do I need to do when entering Italy? 

Ukrainians entering Italy must report their presence in the country within 48 hours. 

If you are a Ukrainian citizen in possession of a biometric passport, you are exempt from the entry visa and allowed to stay on the Italian territory to a maximum of 90 days from the time of entry into the Schengen area. If you are coming from a country in the Schengen area, the authorities of that country have already affixed the entry stamp on your passport, therefore, you must start counting the 90 days from that date. 

If your passport has not been stamped yet, you must go to the Police Headquarters (Questura) – Immigration Office of the city where you are and sign the declaration of presence in order to be able to receive the assistance you need. 

If you do not have an ID document with you, the Ukrainian Embassy in Rome will assist you in the issuance of it. 

If you decide to stay in Italy more than 90 days, you must go to the Police Headquarters (Questura) – Immigration Office of the city where you are. There, you will receive all the necessary information on the different possibilities to regularize your stay on the Italian territory.

If you do not have accommodation, you can contact the prefecture of the city where you are, reporting your situation and the necessity to be accommodated in a reception facility. 

What support can I get if I am a person living with diabetes? 

After entering Italy and getting registered, you can go to the nearest health hub where you will be tested for COVID-19 and possibly vaccinated. There you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire in Ukraine to assess whether, as a person living with diabetes, you are in need of urgent medical care. You will then receive a Temporarily Present Foreigner card (STP) to access urgent medical care, including diabetes care if necessary. 

When applying for a temporary residence permit (valid for 1 year) at the Police Headquarters of the city where you are, you will receive the documents for free access to the National Health System

The Italian association Associazione Medici Diabetologi (AMD) has offered availability to healthcare institutions for rapid identification and intake of people living with diabetes arriving from Ukraine. If you are at high risk or need urgent diabetes care (e.g., you are insulin-dependent, you do not have diabetes medications and/or monitoring devices, you live with diabetes and need maternal care), you will be able to receive urgent care with your STP card. 

Health care services through the STP card and the National Health System are provided free of charge, except for the payment of the co-pay fee (ticket), with the exception of exemptions for certain pathologies on equal terms with the Italian citizen.  

On the AMD website www.aemmedi.it you can find useful information including the location of diabetes centres in the various Italian regions.   

For information on the validity of your sanitary documentation and for any healthcare related queries, you can call the national toll-free number 1500 or the toll-free number of the Region where you are. You can also reach and consult the closest Local Healthcare Center (ASL). 

In case of medical emergency, you can refer to the nearest hospital. 

Useful links and contacts 

Information for Ukrainian refugees in Italy
https://emergenze.protezionecivile.gov.it/static/7987473fbd98ca6477a659e6fd390df3/benvenuto-eng_4.pdf (English) 
https://emergenze.protezionecivile.gov.it/static/96d8a2c6556508cf2ca1b3d6bc602ec5/benvenuto-ita_4.pdf (Italian) 
https://emergenze.protezionecivile.gov.it/static/59fdc9a349113f57459ca75180b23105/benvenuto-ucr_4.pdf (Ukrainian) 
https://emergenze.protezionecivile.gov.it/static/0b0ed0eb16b9a9c3cc6f2c54b0fa3ddd/benvenuto-rus_5.pdf (Russian) 

Ministry of Interior

Italian Civil Protection 

Ministry of Health – Covid-19 and healthcare-related queries 
1500 (24h national toll-free number) 
+390232008345 or +390283905385 (from abroad) 

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) tables of equivalence between medicines registered in Ukraine and those available in other countries

Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine and entering the EU

Information on free travel options offered by European transport companies 

Associazione Medici Diabetologi (AMD)
Website: www.aemmedi.it 
Email: info.ucraina@aemmedi.it