Support for People living with Diabetes affected by the Situation in Ukraine

Ukraine refugees given right to live in EU for three years
Ukrainian refugees have the right to live and work in the European Union for up to three years, according to the so-called Temporary Protection Directive. Under this emergency plan, Ukrainian refugees can receive immediate protections and rights, and they can move freely across the EU and access social service benefits like housing and medical care. The measure also entails that Ukrainians can be given temporary residency status without having to go through complex asylum procedures.
IDF Europe stands united with people living with diabetes (PwD) who are currently affected by the situation in Ukraine. We are working together with governments and the diabetes community, including our member associations in Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and other European countries, to gather information on the situation of PwD in Ukraine and that of refugees in those countries, and on their specific needs (medical, psychological, advice and support, etc.).
Please click on the links below for more information on what to do if you are looking for support in Ukraine/have been displaced to other countries or wish to provide support to people living with diabetes and associations supporting them.
If you are in Ukraine or in other European countries and looking for information, please visit the pages below:
IDF Europe is currently working with its Member Associations to identify the needs of people in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees living with diabetes with regard to medical and psychological care; gather and publicise information to help them understand what support they can get in the country where they are, and how to get it; and to identify what additional resources might be developed to support refugees.
If you are a Member Association looking to support other diabetes associations in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries

To facilitate Solidarity across the IDF Europe Member Associations’ network, IDF Europe has launched Connect Solidarity. This programme aims to facilitate support from IDF Europe Member Associations across Europe wishing to help other national diabetes associations in Ukraine’s neighbouring countriesprovideadvice, medicines, supplies, to Ukrainian refugees etc.
Any member association wishing to be connected should contact IDF Europe at
If you wish to fundraise and support the delivery of medical supplies to people living with diabetes in Ukraine and surrounding countries

All donations will be used IN FULL to support our Member Associations in their actions and initiatives to help people living with diabetes in Ukraine and of Ukrainian refugees.
IDF Europe is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation established under Belgian law. As it is not a registered charity, donors will not be able to claim tax relief on their donations.

Direct Relief
As long as the humanitarian access to Ukrainian’s major regions remains extremely difficult, IDF Europe supports the efforts of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) to activate its network to provide insulin and other medical supplies through its transnational member organisation, Direct Relief. Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organisation, active in more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies. Direct Relief has recently organised a large shipment of diabetes supplies including insulin. IDF Europe will continue to work closely with IDF to share information regarding medical needs in the country.
If you wish to support the efforts of Direct Relief, please visit the Direct Relief website here and click on “Direct my donation to”, “Select a Program”, “Ukraine crisis”.
Visit Direct Relief’s website:

Spare a Rose for Ukraine Campaign/Insulin For Life
IDF Europe has also endorsed the Spare a Rose for Ukraine Campaign. Spare a Rose is an initiative of the Diabetes Online Community, originally dedicated to raise money to help people living with diabetes in under resourced countries obtain life-saving insulin and diabetes care supplies. Until the end of March, all donations made to Spare a Rose will be directed to Insulin for Life Global, a registered charity with over two decades of experience in providing insulin and diabetes supplies to under-resourced countries, and responding to emergencies. Their international consortium and network in Europe, with partners in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, has supplies ready to go if and when and where needed.
If you wish to donate to the campaign, please visit